Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Big-Brother-Quentin-in-training! :)

I'm going to deliver Maddox at Presbyterian Plano Hospital (I had Quentin at Trinity Medical Center, which is now called Baylor Carrollton). Trinity was a great experience, but I've actually been a patient at Presby Plano twice in the last couple of years now (for my emergency gallbladder surgery and an ER trip) and my OB also delivers there. I love the facilities and the people... and it's actually a tiny bit closer to our house than Trinity. Our dear friends have delivered both of their babies there, and I loved the big rooms when we visited them.

Joe and I will take the Labor/Delivery Tour next weekend, but this past weekend Quentin got to take the Younger Sibling class (for kids 2-5 years old). The first activity was to make a craft for his brother (a foam picture frame decorated with stickers and drawings... of course Q's was quite cute, that little artist). Then the nurses read the kids a story about bringing baby home and the things to do/don't do once the new baby has arrived (be gentle, don't wake a sleeping baby, etc...) Then they got to practice wrapping up baby in a blanket (a burrito as Quentin called it!), and he did a great job and was really proud of himself. Next they gave all the kids doctor's masks and hats for the tour of the nursery (we got to see two brand-new babies!) It was such a fun experience and I think Quentin was the perfect age to really learn something new (there were quite a few two-year-olds and I wonder if maybe they were too young).

After his class, Quentin carried his little three-inch baby doll (that he's had since he was one) around the house with him everywhere: singing to, hugging, feeding, burping, changing, and dancing with "practice Maddox." Then on Sunday, he specifically asks us if we could go buy a baby doll that's "the real size that Maddox will be, once he's born." We took a trip to WalMart and perused the selection of baby dolls. For those of you that know Quentin well, he's always been very vocal about what are "boy toys" or "boy things" and that he doesn't want to play with "girl toys" (not sure where he gets that, because Joe and I certainly don't believe in that. Ah, the things our kids pick up from their classmates...) So for him to walk down the baby doll aisle, pick up every single one and inspect them (we needed one with blue eyes, "like you and me, Mommy") until we found the perfect one, was quite the sight to behold. He finally settled on a baby doll gift set: it had a 12" doll complete with two outfits, a bassinet, pillow, teddy bear, bottle, plate/spoon, and the baby laughs/cries and kicks his legs when you push his belly. It was on clearance for $5 so Joe and I agreed we could take it home! Quentin has not let that doll out of his sight since then: he has slept with him both nights, and Q is constantly tending to him and making sure his needs are met.

It warms my heart to see Big Brother Quentin in action, and I know he's going to be such a great helper when Maddox arrives! We are discovering more and more the blessings of having our kids five years apart; of course, this wasn't always our plan but it's certainly a reminder that God knows what we need better than we do. :) We feel extremely blessed to welcome another son to our family, and Quentin is going to be the best big brother EVER!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Welcome to our new Blogspot page!

Welcome, friends and family! :)

Since all our family lives out of town, Joe and I want to be able to share the newest "happenings" with you. When Quentin was born, we had a Baby Window website where we could post every little event in his first days, weeks and months. Since Joe and I have both become more active on Facebook, that's where we now tend to post our pictures and status updates. But since baby Maddox will soon be joining our family, I wanted a new place for sharing the newest info with all of you!

We are exciting about our growing family and can't wait until Maddox is here. Quentin is going to be the best big brother EVER! :)

Another big change for our family will happen at the end of April: my company is being taken over, so I'm going to officially be out of a job. Being 7 months pregnant by then, I've been unable to find new employment (it's hard to imagine a company taking on an employee who will soon be out with a baby). So I'm looking at this as an opportunity I never imagined I would have: to stay home with Quentin for the first time ever (we'll take him out of Pre-K) and then to be home with both boys once Maddox arrives! It's scary and nerve-wracking to be honest ("school" is all Quentin has ever known, and I've always worked outside of the home), but I am thrilled at the chance to spend quality time with my boys and to experience the daily adventures (both at home and around the city) that we've never been able to do! Financially it will be a hardship, but we are confident we can make it through. Hopefully in the fall when Quentin starts kindergarten (yay!), I can start interviewing and find a job again. So I'm looking forward to the next few months, the unknowns, the excitement, the ups and downs... I never thought I would be able to experience being a stay-at-home mom, and this certainly isn't the way I'd hoped it would happen. But this is such an exciting time for our family, and I can't wait to get it started! I will need your prayers and happy thoughts as we navigate this time ahead.

Erica :)